[ckan-discuss] Data catalog metadata models

Jose Manuel Alonso josema.alonso at fundacionctic.org
Thu Apr 1 17:33:20 BST 2010

Hi all,

For the benefit of those of you not subscribed to the W3C eGov IG  
mailing list, some more info below.

El 01/04/2010, a las 15:41, William Waites escribió:
> On 10-04-01 14:35, Peter Krantz wrote:
>> With the announcement of the dcat vocabulary driven by DERI I suggest
>> that we tro to use that as a starting point:
>> http://vocab.deri.ie/dcat-overview
>> They seem to have done a fair but of research about common attributes
>> and they also try to re-use as much as possible from existing
>> vocabularies. This is a great starting point. I will try to map
>> opengov.sedatasets to dcat and see how it works.
> There seems to be consensus on this within data.gov.uk as well

Richard introduced dcat at the W3C eGov IG call yesterday. The slides  
he used and more info at:

Draft minutes at:

We discussed for a while and plan is to setup subproject within the  
IG, write a Group Note about DCAT and even using a W3C namespace for  
future revisions.

Thanks again to Richard for the very interesting discussion and  
willingness. Looking forward to start working on it.

-- Jose


Jose M. Alonso
Manager, eGovernment and Open Data, CTIC
co-Chair, eGovernment Interest Group, W3C
Senior Advisor, W3C Spain
Parque Científico-Tecnológico
C/ Ada Byron, 39
33203 - Gijón, Asturias, Spain
tel.: +34 984390616; +34 984291212; fax: +34 984390612
email: josema.alonso at fundacionctic.org
twitter/identi.ca: @josemalonso
Privacy Policy: http://www.fundacionctic.org/privacidad

> Cheers,
> -w
> -- 
> William Waites           <william.waites at okfn.org>
> Mob: +44 789 798 9965    Open Knowledge Foundation
> Fax: +44 131 464 4948                Edinburgh, UK

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