[ckan-discuss] Installation issues

William Waites william.waites at okfn.org
Thu Jun 24 05:59:35 BST 2010

On 10-06-24 00:34, Tim McNamara wrote:
>     * How do I activate a virtualenv? Where is the best link with
>       instructions to do this? I class myself as something close to
>       just-graduated-to-intermediate Python programmer (generators are
>       still slightly mind-twisting to me), but haven't delved into
>       virtualenv.

Using a bourne-derived shell, ". /virtual/env/dir/bin/activate".
This basically sets up the PATH and other environment
variables to use the sandboxed python environment

>     * Where is {your-config.ini} on my system? Do I rename a default
>       config file? Is there a location that it should be living in?

The paster command creates your-config.ini so you give it
whichever name you like. I would suggest "development.ini"

>     * What's paster?


It's somewhat of a swiss-army knife program that takes
care of running various common types of commands. You
use it to run a development web server "paster serve config.ini"
or to create a config file. It is also possible for a package
to "install" sub-commands -- see "paster --help" for a list.
It is basically a command-line wrapper so if you are writing
a program that does command-line stuff you don't have to
reinvent the wheel, you just implement a class that does
whatever the program is supposed to do.


William Waites           <william.waites at okfn.org>
Mob: +44 789 798 9965    Open Knowledge Foundation
Fax: +44 131 464 4948                Edinburgh, UK

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