[ckan-discuss] Setting up CKAN for Romania?

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Sep 2 16:38:31 BST 2010

On 22 August 2010 12:57, Liliana Bounegru <liliana.bounegru at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rufus,
> I'd say that setting up a Romanian version of CKAN would make the database
> more relevant for the Romanian public (which is where my interest goes) and
> would attract more contributors. I'm up for doing the translation, send me
> the material once you have it. The next step after setting up the website

Please could you register on transifex and then send your username
(offlist) to Benoit and myself and we'll ensure a team is set up for
you on that site.

> would be to inform relevant Romanian organizations working on freedom of
> information, transparency, democracy, etc. about the database and have them
> contribute datasets. I'd appreciate any advice on that.

We can do our best to give general advice based on people's experience
elsewhere. This kind of thing sounds to be something that would fit
well within the regular monthly/bimonthly CKAN community calls that
are planned to start in the near future under Friedrich (Lindenberg's)


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