[ckan-discuss] Caching and CKAN API

William Waites william.waites at okfn.org
Sun Sep 5 02:37:02 BST 2010

I've just made some changes to the API. Requests
for packages should now be cached. It tries to be
clever and check if anything has changed (extras,
resources, etc) and invalidate the cache in that

It seems to be working well, the unit tests all pass.

I can tell that I disrupted the Frei Universitat's
crawl, but it seems to be restarted regularly so
hopefully it will recover.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.


William Waites           <william.waites at okfn.org>
Mob: +44 789 798 9965    Open Knowledge Foundation
Fax: +44 131 464 4948                Edinburgh, UK

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