[ckan-discuss] Next version of the LOD cloud diagram. Please provide input, so that your dataset is included.

Ed Summers ehs at pobox.com
Thu Sep 23 06:18:35 BST 2010

It was awesome to see that the new LOD Cloud leverages data in CKAN. I
really like the idea of driving more people to documenting Linked Data
packages on CKAN in order to get their content into the LOD Cloud.

I have been doing a bit of playing around with the Protovis JavaScript
library recently to visualize owl:sameAs links in the Billion Triple
Challenge dataset [1]. It's pretty easy to use, at least in the
simplistic way I have been playing around with it. I thought it would
be fun to use the same approach to graphing the LOD Cloud using the
CKAN API. So I went and did it [2]. The fact that it only took an hour
or so was all due to the way you have leveraged CKAN, and CKAN's
lovely REST API.

While processing the data I think I noticed 50 packages in the
lodcloud group which referenced other CKAN packages
(package['extras']['links:*'] in the json) that were not also in the
lodcloud group. I didn't actually dig in to see if they are definitely
on CKAN, but at least a few of them already were. I haven't been
following the earlier discussion too closely, to know if this is
already a known issue. I'd be willing to help add the packages to the
lodcloud group if you are looking for an extra set of hands.

Here's the list of package links that I think are broken, the one on
the right not existing in the lodcloud group.

bio2rdf-affymetrix -> bio2rdf-ec
bio2rdf-homologene -> bio2rdf-gene
bio2rdf-homologene -> bio2rdf-symbol
bio2rdf-omim -> bio2rdf-symbol
bio2rdf-uniprot -> bio2rdf-biocyc
bio2rdf-uniprot -> bio2rdf-pharmgkb
bio2rdf-uniprot-uniparc -> bio2rdf-flybase
chem2bio2rdf -> bio2rdf-mesh
chem2bio2rdf -> bio2rdf-taxon
dbpedia -> wikicompany
enakting-energy -> purl
enakting-mortality -> data.gov.uk
enakting-mortality -> data.openpsi.org
enakting-mortality -> rkbexplorer
enakting-population -> rkbexplorer
fu-berlin-diseasome -> bio2rdf-symbol
fu-berlin-drugbank -> bio2rdf-kegg
fu-berlin-drugbank -> bio2rdf-symbol
linkedlccn -> books-isbn
marc-codes -> wikipedia
rdfize-lastfm -> qdos
rdfohloh -> doapspace
revyu -> naplesplus
rkb-explorer-acm -> rkb-explorer-epsrc
rkb-explorer-budapest -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-budapest -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
rkb-explorer-cordis -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
rkb-explorer-dblp -> rkb-explorer-epsrc
rkb-explorer-eprints -> rkb-explorer-epsrc
rkb-explorer-eurecom -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-eurecom -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
rkb-explorer-ft -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-ft -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
rkb-explorer-kisti -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-kisti -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
rkb-explorer-laas -> rkb-explorer-kaunas
rkb-explorer-newcastle -> rkb-explorer-epsrc
rkb-explorer-roma -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-roma -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
rkb-explorer-southampton -> rkb-explorer-bibo
rkb-explorer-southampton -> rkb-explorer-epsrc
rkb-explorer-ulm -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-wiki -> rkb-explorer-italy
rkb-explorer-wiki -> rkb-explorer-kaunas
rkb-explorer-wiki -> rkb-explorer-lisbon
taxonconcept -> bio2rdf
taxonconcept -> gni
taxonconcept -> uniprot
tcmgenedit_dataset -> bio2rdf-entrezgene
temple-ov-thee-lemur-datasets -> semantictweet


[1] http://inkdroid.org/empirical-cloud/
[2] http://inkdroid.org/lod-cloud/

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