[ckan-discuss] Not the right SPARQL end point?

David Read david.read at okfn.org
Mon Sep 27 18:34:28 BST 2010

Hi Christophe,

Can I encourage you to write a comment on the actual CKAN package page
about this? There may be people on this list who know the answer, but
it is worth having the conversation logged with the package so that
future users of the package can see this valuable question.


2010/9/27 Christophe Guéret <cgueret at few.vu.nl>:
>  Dear CKANers,
> The "linked-open-commerce" package [1] has
> "http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql" as its SPARQL end point.
> I think that's a bit weird as this SPARQL end point, which - unless I'm
> mistaken - mirrors LOD data, is not aimed at providing that specific data
> set. If its suitable to provide LOD as a suitable end point for this data
> set, then it should also be added to many others. That could be interesting
> as a way to mention alternate end points but I think for now it's just
> misleading. Or maybe it's the title & the description of the package if the
> goal was to reference the LOD end point...
> Shall the end point be removed from this package or its name/description be
> fixed?
> Cheers,
> Christophe
> [1] http://www.ckan.net/package/linked-open-commerce
> --
> Dr. Christophe Guéret (cgueret at few.vu.nl)
> http://cgueret.net
> Postdoc working on SOKS (http://www.few.vu.nl/soks)
> Knowledge Representation&  Reasoning Group
> Computational Intelligence Group
> Department of Computer Science, AI
> VU University Amsterdam
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