[ckan-discuss] Not the right SPARQL end point?

Christophe Gueret cgueret at few.vu.nl
Mon Sep 27 20:04:26 BST 2010

  Hi Richard,

> Thanks for noting this! I looked at the package's web page [1] and it 
> doesn't mention anything like “Linked Open Commerce”. In fact the 
> website isn't very informative. I updated the package name and title 
> in an attempt to better reflect it.
> http://www.ckan.net/package/openlink-lod-cache
That seems more accurate, indeed. Thanks for the fix :)

> There is a different website [2] called Linked Open Commerce, it also 
> notes a (different) SPARQL endpoint. Christophe, perhaps you can start 
> creating a CKAN record for it, following the guidelines at [3]?
Done: http://www.ckan.net/package/linked-open-commerce
There are currently few information, essentially the only things I got 
from [2].
I will see if it's possible to get more information from the authors of 
the data set.

But there is something surprising about the endpoint mentioned in [2]: 
if you ask for the first, say, 200 triples you get the sames as on the 
LOD cache end point. As it happens, http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql and 
http://linkedopencommerce.com/sparql both resolve to the same IP...
This is likely not to be helpful to someone willing to discover what 
this LOC data set has to offer, a query fetching a sample of the triples 
will return surprising results for a data set about e-commerce! It would 
be better to have an end point that serves only the data announced, or 
at least the indication of a named graph to use.  Assuming it is 
possible to do so, is there a best-practice around indicating a named 
graph along with the address of the SPARQL end point?


> [1] http://lod.openlinksw.com/
> [2] http://linkedopencommerce.com/
> [3] 
> http://esw.w3.org/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/DataSets/CKANmetainformation
> On 27 Sep 2010, at 14:55, Christophe Guéret wrote:
>> Dear CKANers,
>> The "linked-open-commerce" package [1] has 
>> "http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql" as its SPARQL end point.
>> I think that's a bit weird as this SPARQL end point, which - unless 
>> I'm mistaken - mirrors LOD data, is not aimed at providing that 
>> specific data set. If its suitable to provide LOD as a suitable end 
>> point for this data set, then it should also be added to many others. 
>> That could be interesting as a way to mention alternate end points 
>> but I think for now it's just misleading. Or maybe it's the title & 
>> the description of the package if the goal was to reference the LOD 
>> end point...
>> Shall the end point be removed from this package or its 
>> name/description be fixed?
>> Cheers,
>> Christophe
>> [1] http://www.ckan.net/package/linked-open-commerce
>> -- 
>> Dr. Christophe Guéret (cgueret at few.vu.nl)
>> http://cgueret.net
>> Postdoc working on SOKS (http://www.few.vu.nl/soks)
>> Knowledge Representation&  Reasoning Group
>> Computational Intelligence Group
>> Department of Computer Science, AI
>> VU University Amsterdam
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