[ckan-discuss] Proposed metadata standards for datacatalogs.org
John Glover
john.glover at okfn.org
Wed Jun 22 12:13:55 BST 2011
For the initial datacatalogs.org release, we have decided to shorten
Kendra's list slightly, as some of the fields are more applicable to
datasets than catalogs. So for now we're going with the fields listed
below, but of course this can be added to in future.
Spatial/Geographic Coverage
On 20 June 2011 13:30, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are people roughly happy with the metadata scheme that Kendra has come
> up with - based on input from the Edinburgh meeting?
> If so, I suggest we try and do a push this week to populate a
> spreadsheet with the scheme as columns, and populate with metadata
> from as many sources as we can this week, then import into
> datacatalogs.org.
> What do people think?
> Tim: might you be up for helping to populate the spreadsheet?
> J.
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Martin Alvarez-Espinar
> <martin.alvarez at fundacionctic.org> wrote:
>> Hello Kendra,
>> Thanks for the work you are doing. Please, let me add some input on it.
>> I suppose that the following properties/classes should have the "dcat" [1]
>> namespace:
>> dct:distribution
>> dct:feed
>> dct:WebService
>> dct:AccessURL
>> Please, note that dcat:accessURL has the first character lowercase.
>> In dcat, "distributions" are used to specify different formats of each
>> dataset. The distribution may have a type to define the kind of resource
>> (WebService, Feed, or Download).
>> During the meeting in Edinburgh we discussed about a new property to
>> indicate if either the access to the data is direct (the data is after the
>> accessURL), or indirect (the accessURL is a page with information about how
>> to get the data, such as documentation about a Web Service; also if the
>> downloadable file is compressed). I find it very useful.
>> Best regards,
>> Martin
>> [1]
>> http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Data_Catalog_Vocabulary/Vocabulary_Reference#Property:_access.2Fdownload
>> On 13/06/11 16:04, Kendra K. Levine wrote:
>>> Hello! I've been working on the metadata standards for datacatalogs.org
>>> <http://datacatalogs.org> and am very eager for some feedback. You can
>>> look at the proposed terms here: http://goo.gl/Gt32T
>>> <http://goo.gl/Gt32T> I've also posted about it on the OFKN notebook.
>>> http://notebook.okfn.org/2011/06/13/proposed-metadata-standards-for-datacatalogs-org/
>>> Kendra
>>> --
>>> Kendra K. Levine
>>> Librarian and then some.
>>> http://kklinfo.com
>>> http://libraryattack.com
>>> @tranlib
>>> <http://library.its.berkeley>
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>> --
>> Martín Álvarez Espinar
>> Fundación CTIC
>> Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gijón
>> c/ Ada Byron, 39 Edificio Centros Tecnológicos
>> 33203 Gijón - Asturias - España
>> Tel.: +34 984 29 12 12
>> Fax: +34 984 39 06 12
>> E-mail: martin.alvarez at fundacionctic.org
>> http://www.fundacionctic.org
>> Política de Privacidad: http://www.fundacionctic.org/privacidad
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> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Community Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
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