[ckan-discuss] CKAN package metadata: JSON output different from RDF output

Monika Solanki monika.solanki at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 05:25:56 BST 2011

Can a reference to the void be included using dct:references?

On 27/03/11 21:34, William Waites wrote:
> Actually the voiD stuff is due to be ripped out of the
> ckan rdf exporter in favour of simple dcat. Then others
> who curate groups or otherwise have specific understanding
> of extras can augment the descriptions. How to merge these
> augmented descriptions back in is something we would
> welcome ideas about.
> cheers,
> -w
> * [2011-03-27 21:04:18 +0100] Monika Solanki<monika.solanki at gmail.com>  écrit:
> ] On 27/03/11 20:22, Friedrich Lindenberg wrote:
> ]>Hi Monika,
> ]>
> ]>On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Monika Solanki
> ]><monika.solanki at gmail.com>   wrote:
> ]>>I just discovered that the package metadata available for a CKAN package
> ]>>is
> ]>>different in the JSON and the RDF version. For example, for the package
> ]>>biolit, the RDF does not include the pointer to its void description while
> ]>>the JSON does. Can this be fixed ?
> ]>there's a ticket for it: http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/910 and I think
> ]>Will committed to do this fairly soon, but I think there was some
> ]>ambiguity over how arbitrary extras (and from CKAN's point of view the
> ]>LOD cloud VoID stuff mostly falls into this category) should be
> ]>represented: invent our own vocabulary and use extra names as
> ]>predicates (e.g.<x>   ckan:my_extra "value") or if we should create
> ]>BNodes with RDFS:label and RDF:value. What do you think?
> ] That is an interesting question and prompted me to look into the void
> ] vocabulary to check if they have defined any predicate that takes as
> ] value the URI of the void document for the dataset. I could not find
> ] any. I do not favour BNodes personally and would prefer the former option.
> ]
> ] Thanks,
> ]
> ] Monika
> ]>- Friedrich
> ]
> ]
> ] --
> ] Dr Monika Solanki
> ] F27 Department of Computer Science
> ] University of Leicester
> ] Leicester LE1 7RH
> ] United Kingdom
> ] Google Coordinates: 52.653791,-1.158414
> ] Tel: +44 116 252 3828
> ] WebID: http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/people/ms491/foaf.rdf#monika
> ] Web: http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/people/ms491/
> ]      http://bit.ly/djvtiH
> ]
> ]
> ]
> ]
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