[ckan-discuss] semantic url

Flavio Coelho fccoelho at gmail.com
Tue May 31 12:00:47 BST 2011


just a quick configuration question:

what is the correct url for rdf_packages in the ckan ini file?

the comments in the file suggest "http://semantic.ckan.net/package/"
but if I use it, ckan creates an invalid url from it. For example:
http://semantic.ckan.net/package/d/e/dengue-net #this is the wrong url
generated by my Ckan instance

while the correct url for that package's RDF in semantic.ckan.net is


what should I do to have my site point at the correct url?

thanks in advance,

Flávio Codeço Coelho
+55(21) 3799-5567
Escola de Matemática Aplicada
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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