[ckan-discuss] About Geospatial Features (and DataStore): a question from a CKAN newbie

Adrià Mercader amercadero at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 15:57:42 BST 2012

Hi Luca,

The ability to plot geographic locations from a datasets (like on this
case [1]) is powered by the Recline Javascript library [2], and it is
completely independent from ckanext-spatial (which is more focused on
providing spatial support for the datasets metadata, eg extent of the
dataset). If you are using the datastore, you will be automatically
able to preview csv based datasets. See the documentation for more
details [3], and make sure you are using the ckanext-datastorer
extension to automatically push new datasets to the datastore.

Hope this helps,


[1] http://thedatahub.org/dataset/malawi-aid-projects/resource/b717c20e-2006-4ad4-82d2-59b57ebc1ab0
[2] https://github.com/okfn/recline
[3] http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.7.1/datastore.html

On 28 June 2012 15:13, Luca De Santis <dex at lucadex.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in the process of installing and configuring CKAN to serve some data in tabular forms (eg .csv).
> For most records in the datasets I'll be able to provide geolocations and I'd like to provide a preview that shows points in map.
> On the CKAN site (http://ckan.org/features/geospatial/) it is written:
> "Where structured data with location information is loaded into CKAN’s DataStore, CKAN can plot the data on an interactive map."
> I assumed therefore that the DataStore module (with ElasticSearch) was needed for that, but in the ckanext-spatial documentation it seems that everything is managed in the database, using the PostGIS extension.
> Therefore, do I need DataStore and ElasticSearch for this or not?
> Can somebody shed some light on that? Thanks in advance.
> Ciao,
> Luca
> --
> Luca De Santis
> via Rosa Luxemburg 10/P
> Loc. Orzignano
> 56017 S. Giuliano Terme (PI) - ITALY
> tel.: +39 335 7376 153
> email: dex at lucadex.it
> skype: lucadex
> web: http://www.lucadex.it
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