[ckan-discuss] Suggestion to add a site to datacatalogs.org

Rikard Fröberg rikard at morus.se
Thu Jan 17 16:33:09 GMT 2013

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Mark Wainwright
<mark.wainwright at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi Rikard,

> On 11/01/2013, Rikard Fröberg <rikard at morus.se> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> In hope of this list being the appropriate place to suggest a new open
>> data catalog,
> It'll do :-) There is also the data-catalogs mailing list:
> <lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/data-catalogs>.

Oh, didn't see that one when investigating :) I found this list the
about page[1] "If you have an idea for something you think we should
add, please let us know on the ckan-discuss list." ;-)

1. http://datacatalogs.org/about

>> I'd like to propose the adding of Sweden's new (beta)
>> official open data portal[1] to the datacatalogs.org site.
>> 1. http://oppnadata.se (in Swedish)
> Great! I've added it:
> http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/oppnadata


> I see there is also an entry for <http://www.opengov.se/data>, see
> http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/opengov_se
> Can you clarify the relation between these? Should both records
> continue to exist?

Yes, I think both should exist. The opengov.se is run by a private
person, Peter Krantz, on his on initiative. The new one, oppnadata.se,
is the official one run by a government entity[2] on the initiative of
the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications. I think,
though, the government one, oppnadata.se, will list or link
initiatives like that of Mr Krantz.

2. http://www.vinnova.se/en/About-VINNOVA/

Mr Krantz describes his site like this[3]
"Opengov.se is an initiative to highlight available public datasets in
Sweden. It contains a commentable catalog of government datasets,
their formats and usage restrictions. The percent figure on the start
page indicates the share of datasets that are available with an open
license and in at least one open format. Information about datasets
are available in RDF/XML (see link elements in the Atom feed).

The goal is to highlight the benefits of open access to government
data and explain how this is done in practice."

3. http://www.opengov.se/sidor/english/

The government oppnadata.se is described[4, in Swedish] like this (my
"[...]A technical platform and broker of data made public for use by
third parties[...] The goal [of the platform] is that the
site/platform will be simple to use, have clear licenses and terms of
use, and provides support allowing for new sets of data to be used for
innovations, and facilitate the sharing of resources and

4. http://oppnadata.se/node/7 Google translate: http://ur1.ca/cjx4d

You may contact Mr Krantz of opengov.se here:
http://www.opengov.se/sidor/om/#kontakt (right column box).

Hope this helps!

Thanks and kind regards


> Best,
> Mark Wainwright
>> The portal is in beta still but more data sources will be added throughout
>> 2013.
>> Kind regards
>> Rikard Fröberg
>> --
>> Rikard Fröberg, Rådgivare offentlig sektor
>> Morus konsult AB | http://morus.se/en | rikard at morus.se
>> 0700 - 90 69 64  | 031 385 88 93
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Rikard Fröberg, Rådgivare offentlig sektor
Morus konsult AB | http://morus.se | rikard at morus.se
0700 - 90 69 64  | 031 385 88 93

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