[ckan-discuss] "history" in new datahub.io/CKAN 2.0?

Dominik Moritz dominik.moritz at okfn.org
Tue Jul 2 13:39:48 BST 2013


it's not accessible from the UI because the new activity streams replaced the history tab. They are much easier to understand and offer a unified way to see what has happened for datasets, groups, users,...

If you have your own CKAN instance, you can add the history tab in an extension. 


On 2 Jul 2013, at 14:15, Timothy Lebo <lebot at rpi.edu> wrote:

> ckan'ers,
> How does one get to http://datahub.io/dataset/history/bams from http://datahub.io/dataset/bams using the new UI?
> In the old CKAN, it used to be by pressing the "history" tab.
> In the new CKAN, there is an "Activity Steam" tab that doesn't show anything.
> Thanks,
> Tim
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Dominik Moritz
CKAN developer  |  skype: d.moritz  |  @doobly_doo
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Empowering through Open Knowledge
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