[ckan-discuss] CKAN Germany MeetUp WrapUp

Dominik Moritz dominik.moritz at okfn.org
Mon Jul 8 17:45:05 BST 2013


On 8 Jul 2013, at 15:17, Florian Marienfeld <florian.marienfeld at fokus.fraunhofer.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> thanks every body for attending our CKAN meetup Germany! It is always a
> pleasure to see who is using CKAN and what they are doing with it.

Thank you very much for organizing the event. It was great to meet you guys and talk about CKAN and your experiences. 

> <ad> Please take the opportunity to share your Open Data and CKAN
> insights at the 2nd International Open Data Dialog
> http://s.fhg.de/odd-2013-cfp in Berlin, November 18th/19th, 2013. The
> call for talk proposals is open for another couple of days.</ad>
> Please find the collaborative workshop minutes here:
> http://open-data.fokus.fraunhofer.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/CKANUserMeetupBerlinJune2013.pdf
> This is Sean's presentation on extensions and auth:
> http://seanh.sdfeu.org/writing-ckan-extensions/
> and the not yet merged docs:
> https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/943
> Simon's presentation on the rich java client:
> http://open-data.fokus.fraunhofer.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ODR-Client.pdf
> Thomas' presentation on metadata transformation:
> http://open-data.fokus.fraunhofer.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/open_metadata_transfomer.pdf
> @Dominik, please share your presentation on the datastore :-)

After many requests: http://www.slideshare.net/domoritz/datastore-24024495 (with pointers to blog posts and docs).

> I took note that people are interested in a similar event in Q3, next
> time with less talks and more discussion.
> Best, FLO
> -- 
> Florian Marienfeld
> Dipl.-Ing. Tech.-Inf.
> Fraunhofer FOKUS
> - CC Motion -
> Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
> 10589 Berlin
> +49 30 3463 7127
> http://s.fhg.de/florian-marienfeld
> Lesen Sie hier den MOTION-Newsletter: http://s.fhg.de/motion-nl
> Besuchen Sie die MOTION-Veranstaltungen: http://s.fhg.de/motion-events
> ---
> Um weitere Personen für diesen Verteiler anzumelden, oder sich abzumelden benutzen Sie bitte die Info-Seite:
> https://listen.fokus.fraunhofer.de/sympa/info/odplatform-discuss/
> Hier finden Sie das öffentliche Archiv der Mailingliste:
> https://listen.fokus.fraunhofer.de/sympa/arc/odplatform-discuss/

Dominik Moritz
CKAN developer  |  skype: d.moritz  |  @doobly_doo
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Empowering through Open Knowledge
http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn  |  http://ckan.org  |  @CKANproject

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