[ckan-discuss] RE CKAN Integration with Google Spreadsheet - ... or LibreOffice

Diane Mercier diane.mercier at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 14:28:52 UTC 2013


It seems to me that the integration of documents as the Google Doc|Drive 
and MS Office formats are incompatible with open knowledge as adopted by 
the OKFN community.

Does the community discussed the possibility to integrate the open ODF 
formats supported by LibreOffice to CKAN plateform ?

Dre Diane Mercier
Ph.D. Sciences de l'information

Open Data Project Manager
City of Montreal
dmercier at ville.montreal.qc.ca
@MTL_DO | donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca
514 872-9702 | donneesouvertes at ville.montreal.qc.ca

Ambassador - Open Knowledge Foundation Network, local groupe in Canada
@okfnca | ca.okfn.org

@carnetsDM | dianemercier.com
« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »


  [ckan-discuss] CKAN Integration with Google Spreadsheet

*Huang-Wei Chang* chang.huangwei.01 at gmail.com 
/Sat Nov 9 21:36:10 GMT 2013/

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I found there is a contri in CKAN for Google Spreadsheet integration
(https://github.com/okfn/ckan-google-docs). However, it seems a little
old. May I know is it still up to date?

Besides, in the README, it says "Copy this file into a google docs app
script window. ", which I don't totally understand. Could any one give
me more guide about how to do it? Thanks in advance.


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