[ckan-discuss] CKAN says I am sending __junk

Yu Chen cheny18 at rpi.edu
Thu Oct 10 20:16:26 BST 2013


I am trying to use the ckan http api to update the resources in a certain dataset. What I do is just to send the post request with the body as a json file like this: 

    "resource": [
            "resource_group_id": "d1ed31c4-c356-4f9a-aaaf-6b79ba2f4efd",
            "hash": "",
            "description": "",
            "format": "",
            "url": "http://udco.tw.rpi.edu/ckan/storage/f/2013-10-09-123102/DataScience_2013_Assignment-2.pdf",
            "revision_gtimestamp": "",
            "state": "active",
            "position": 0,
            "revision_id": "",
            "id": ""
    "num_resources": 1

and ckan says what I send is __junk. 

However, if I try to send 

    "resource": [],
    "num_resources": 1

it works perfectly. I saw some of the previous post on this issue and figure out it might be the problem with the fields. Does anyone know what's the required field that I need to send in the json file? Thanks!


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