[ckan-discuss] Update problems?

Stefan Oderbolz stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch
Fri Jan 10 10:18:46 UTC 2014

Hi Lennart,

the two issues you already had (change of metadata structure and problem
with CKAN-CKAN data-transmission) are valid points.

My additions:
- If you are using a CKAN extension that has been written by someone else,
you have to wait until it is updated to your new CKAN version. Or you have
to do it yourself. If you look on GItHub there are already some
incompatible CKAN extensions around, so this is a real issue

- You always have to check if the templates changed, because usually you
provide for your CKAN instance a modified template, so if the base
templates changes, it's likely that you have to do adaptions as well

- Sometimes you need to change code in the core to fix a bug or get
something done quickly (aka "hack"). You have to keep in mind to port these
changes (or provide them as a PR to the next version) to the new version or
find out if it's still needed. In the Swiss portal we had such a case that
we needed to adapt the way translations are loaded in the core. Of course
this should normally not be necessary, but in the "real world" it happens
all the time.

- A good way to find possible problems with upgrades is to check the
upgrade guide (http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/upgrading.html#upgrading) and
the changelog (http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/changelog.html)

Best Regards Stefan

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Gillner, Lennart <
lennart.gillner at dataport.de> wrote:

>  Hello,
> I'm a bachelor student in an IT-company. We are creating and supporting an
> Open Data Platform for Hamburg (Germany) using CKAN.
> The main topic of my bachelor-thesis is dealing with problems that might
> come up if the CKAN is being updated to a new version.
> The platform gathers its data from many different data-providers, so we
> have written a lot of harvesters to 'translate' all the metadata.
> Is it possible that the CKAN-structure of the metadata changes with some
> update? If so, we'd have to rewrite all the harvesters.
> Does anyone know any other problems that might come up with a new update
> of CKAN?
> If for example one platform is connected to another one (both use CKAN)
> and one of them is updating to the new version, could that affect the
> data-transmission?
> I would be very happy about answers because I am a little bit stuck in
> this topic and got no more ideas.
> Yours sincerely
> Lennart Gillner
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