[datacatalogs] datacatalogs.org
Daniel Dietrich
daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Tue Jun 19 11:12:25 UTC 2012
Can someone please help Antti with this question on user rights (see below) please?
On 19 Jun 2012, at 13:12, Antti Poikola wrote:
> Hi Daniel and others,
> Most importantly I would need to know how the update / approval of changes and author rights things go (see my email below, my changes from friday to the http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/helsinki_finland article are still not visible). I can't invite people to update the information if I don't know my self who approves the changes or how the user rights things are handled.
> On 16.6.2012 15:44, Daniel Dietrich wrote:
>> I am afraid we don't have a list with points of contact/e-mail for all these catalogues. So visiting their websites might be the only solution.
> I added now rights to update the "point-of-contact-list", so if you have minute or two time to help me, please add the contact info of your favourite catalogue here :)
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au5B9VrRkisPdG9xa2kxanctWko4b2liUUlrdzUxMVE#gid=1
>> - what level of government (or other entity) initiated the catalogue?
>> - resources needed to start the catalogue?
>> - resources needed to maintain the catalogue?
>> - are these resources secured?
>> - who publishes data to the catalogue?
>> - is there an established process for data holders to publish new datasets to the catalogue?
>> - what data is in the catalogue? (by PSI sectors, data quality)
>> - how can the data be re-used? (open license? pricing model, differentiation between commercial and non-commercial re-use)
>> - who decides what data is published to the catalogue? (supply driven vs. demand driven)
>> - how is the catalogue used? (visits / downloads)
>> - is there a dialogue with the re-user community?
> Thanks Daniel for the list of questions, I will choose some of these to the questionare, but I try to keep it short.
>>> I will also direct them to check the information in the datacatalogs.org and ask them to update it.
>> Great idea!
> For this see the userrights question.
> BR: Jogi
>> All best
>> Daniel
>>> BR, Jogi
>>> On 15 June 2012 17:17, Antti Poikola<antti.poikola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks Daniel for letting me know about the data-catalogs email -list, I subscribed now.
>>> My question is that how the updating of information to the Datacatalogs.org actually happend? Does someone (who?) need to approve the changes?
>>> I recognized that the wikilike interface is open for anyone to TRY TO DO changes even without signing in. I tried to update the text anonymously here: http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/edit/helsinki_finland
>>> New value: Helsinki Region Infoshare -datacatalogue offers open data from the Greater Helsinki region in Finland...
>>> Old value: Infoshare offers open data from Helsinki, Finland...
>>> When I push "Save" it returns me to the Helsinki Region Infoshare page with OLD text. In the history tab there is the revision to my change: http://datacatalogs.org/revision/20379991-7a4c-483b-9f66-8937707dbd89 if I click the timestamp http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/helsinki_finland%402012-06-15T13%3A26%3A31.743652 I can see my change, but it is not visible
>>> This is highly strange... if there is some sort of approval process or if the update for some other reason takes time it should be told to the users in the interface.
>>> Also I would like to add new catalogs, but it seems that my user rights are not high enough. When I go to http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/new I'm asked to sign in (even if I am already signed in), after signing in it leads to my home view, but no links to any add new catalogue place are there. If you trust me enough, could you increase my user rights ( http://datacatalogs.org/user/apoikola ) ?
>>> BR, Antti Poikola
>>> On 15.6.2012 15:15, Daniel Dietrich wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> thanks for bringing this important discussion up again. I remember we talked about including the great features (map, facetted browsing, etc) from CTIC catalogue to datacatalogs.org a wile ago. However I do not remember the exact outcome or any reason why we never actually started working on this.
>>> @Martin and others, would you be up for a quick Skype session on this to explore what needs to be done to harmonize the two initiatives and add important features to datacatalogs.org ? If so, please suggest a time& date. My Skype ID is ddie22.
>>> For any issues like the ones with the tags, etc I strongly recommend discussing them on data-catalogs at lists.okfn.org now in CC.
>>> All best
>>> Daniel
>>> On 14 Jun 2012, at 13:30, Antti Jogi Poikola wrote:
>>> Hi Martin and others,
>>> Thanks for the clarification, I found it very convenient that from the CTIC catalogue it was easy to download the whole data in a tab-separated list, my API -skills are not good enough that I could get the whole data out from the datacatalogs.org (I managed to do this http://datacatalogs.org/api/rest/dataset , but it is not very informative).
>>> Could these two initiatives be maybe more tightly co-operating? It seems that the update pace is faster for datacatalogs.org and because of the clear domain it seems more official to me. The citic catalog on the other hand has in my opinion better search interface and other nice features, like the submission form.
>>> I found some mistakes regarding Finland and as a contributor I'm wondering what is the ONE place where I should give the updated information?
>>> BR: Antti "Jogi" Poikola
>>> PS: earlier Josema and I tried modifying the tags in the datacatalogs.org with no success... I noted that any other changes that I make to the wiki-like interface are not persistent either. Is there some sort of approval mechanism or user rights thing? For example the link in tirol catalogue is missing http:// --
>>> http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/tirol-data
>>> On 14 June 2012 14:12, Martin Alvarez<martin.alvarez at fundacionctic.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Antti,
>>> CTIC launched (with Josema onboard) this faceted browser a couple years ago. All the entries of this catalog have been submitted by the community (or people related to the initiative itself) through the form you mentioned.
>>> This is not only a browser. All the information (description, license, homepage, TimBL stars, location, etc) is stored in a triplestore, and it can be queried using a SPARQL endpoint. Associated to each entry, there is important information about the coverage of the catalog: place name, coordinates, administrative level (country, region, city, supranational), and parent country (if available).
>>> This application is easy to implement. We proposed it as a visualization for datacatalogs.org. The issue I foresee is the lack of geographic information to set the markers on the map.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Martin
>>> On 14/06/2012, at 12:08, Antti Jogi Poikola<antti.poikola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Josema, Daniel and others,
>>> I add to this discussion the opendata at fundacionctic.org (I don't know who will reply), CTIC has nice faceted browser with 158 catalogs and simple "submit new" -form.
>>> http://datos.fundacionctic.org/sandbox/catalog/faceted/
>>> I discovered this when I started to wonder what the mysterious tag ctic means in the http://datacatalogs.org/dataset?tags=ctic .. it seems that CTIC has used 111 (out of 241) datacatalogue.org entries and found some new ones and ended up to 158 catalogues.
>>> BR, Antti "Jogi" Poikola
>>> On 14 June 2012 12:58, Josema Alonso<me at josema.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Antti,
>>> I believe what Daniel said is right. What I noticed on datacatalogs is that there are several that are not properly tagged, so if you filter by "level.local" you'll still be missing several city level catalogs in there. I tried to edit a few of them to add that tag, seemed to work, but they are not showing up when I filter again.
>>> Daniel, do you know if there's any sort of moderation/approval process behind the scenes?
>>> Josema.
>>> El 14/06/2012, a las 11:35, Daniel Dietrich escribió:
>>> Hi Antti,
>>> the GDoc is outdated. The page http://opengovernmentdata.org/data/catalogues/ is no longer linked from the navigation either. The relevant page (linked from navigation) is:
>>> http://opengovernmentdata.org/data/
>>> this refers to http://datacatalogs.org/ which is the most update version we have - I think.
>>> Daniel
>>> On 14 Jun 2012, at 11:18, Antti Jogi Poikola wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> you are all listed as curators of the datacatalogs.org -site. I wonder how comprehensive the listing is at the moment and are there many new catalogues missing from the listings?
>>> I also approached with the same question to the contributors to the Google Doc data catalogue listing [2] which is publicly visible at the Opengovernmentdata.org -site [3].
>>> Currently I am drafting a EPSI platform topic -report [4] about the open data in the cities and therefore the city- and regional data catalogues are in my interest right now.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Antti Poikola (Finland)
>>> [1] http://datacatalogs.org/
>>> [2] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ams8fpz2_77XdG8tZ2ZrUGoybnlpU0NGTjhiUEpQdVE&authkey=CLDY7sYM&authkey=CLDY7sYM#gid=0
>>> [3] http://opengovernmentdata.org/data/catalogues/
>>> [4] http://epsiplatform.eu/topicreports
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