[ddj] BD's next data-storytelling contest is on: Prison contraband; charity tax filings; U.S. election disbursements

Momoko Price momoko at buzzdata.com
Thu Nov 3 19:36:24 UTC 2011

(Apologies if this cross-posts with certain groups — and do let me know if
this notice isn't suited for you!)

A head's up to open-data enthusiasts everywhere:

What with an increasing number of users on our site publishing hefty and
intriguing datasets, we want to nudge people to get creative with what's
available through monthly "data storytelling contests."

You can see the new rules, guidelines and candidate datasets to hack on


Back in October we did a bit of an experimental alpha run, and the level of
interest we saw through social media was really encouraging. This time, the
data is juicier and we're giving participants a full month to crunch the

Thanks very much to the Globe and Mail's Mason Wright, NPR's Matt Stiles
and the Vancouver Sun's Chad Skelton for the great datasets they published
recently. We hope to keep seeing more!

(And for those out there who currently have databases/datasets they'd like
to have mined/explored, feel free to ping me directly and I'll look into
fitting them into an upcoming contest.)

Cheers, and thanks a bunch everyone,



Momoko Price
Communications Director
momoko at buzzdata.com
Twitter: @buzzdata
c: (647) 504-7059
o: (416) 546-9780
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