[ddj] The Data Journalism Handbook at #MozFest 2011 in London

César Viana cesarviana at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 20:42:32 UTC 2011

Hi all,

it's really exciting times for journalism and this handbook, done on this
way, is relevant contribution. Congratulations for this iniciative and for
RegioHack too!
I would like to suggest a topic for the handbook: "Civic media
perspectives: uses and potentials". Maybe it can be part of
"Making the case for data journalism" chapter. Is it possible?
Hope it's an opportunity to check out ultimate users/audience/citizens
points-of-view and activities on different countries.

César Viana
journalist, phd

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Adam Thomas
<adam.thomas at sourcefabric.org>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'll be at #Mozfest too - hope to join this session! Quick question - how
> will the handbook be written, do you have a platform in mind? If not, I can
> recommend Booki as a great collaborative writing tool (http://www.booki.cc
> ).
> I've used it in the past for many events like this and it really helps
> structure the output and facilitate engagement both from within the room
> and remotely.
> You can set up a free account and books at booki.cc...
> Best, Adam
> --
> Adam Thomas
> Communications Manager, Sourcefabric
> adam.thomas at sourcefabric.org
> www.sourcefabric.org
> www.twitter.com/SourceAdam
> www.facebook.com/Sourcefabric
> Find a way or make one.
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