[ddj] Anyone know successful examples of business models for data journalism?

Clément Renaud clement.renaud at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 10:11:03 UTC 2011

Hi everybody,

I am Clement Renaud, a french journalist / coder / researcher based in
Shanghai, China.
I am now leading a startup focused on datavis and open licences which
will host several research groups around the idea of Sharism
We are based in China and intend to spread the idea of datajournalism
there, through education (online courses, workshops...) and services.

I have been recently investigating several business models of datavis
and datajournalism startups. I will be glad to contribute to the book
in providing some research and writing regarding to this topic

You can read a short post I wrote about OWNI (French
media+datajournalism) business model on my blog a few weeks before.

Tell me how I should proceed to contribute

Have a good day
Clément Renaud

web editor, Shanghai
+33 . 0643345655
+86 . 13917556012

2011/11/17, Ted Han <ted at knowtheory.net>:
> Hey Michael,
> I'd also encourage you to join the National Institute for Computer Assisted
> Reporting's mailing list as well (see:
> http://www.ire.org/membership/subscribe/nicar-l.html ).  There are a lot of
> investigative reporters with decades of experience FOIAing information, as
> well as news apps developers who deal with pulling together data sets to
> visualize or otherwise inform the public.
> Liliana, i'd also add that Investigative Reporters and Editors does run a
> service where we will do data analysis for journalism organizations.  So,
> although we are a non-profit organization, we do sell our data services and
> the data sets we collect (and have done so for quite a number of years,
> although i'd have to ask exactly how many years).
> --
> Ted Han
> @knowtheory (http://twitter.com/knowtheory)
> DocumentCloud
> Investigative Reporters & Editors
> On Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Michael Saunby wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to the list and certainly don't regard anything I do as remotely
>> like journalism.  So why did I join the list?  Well I work for a data
>> provider, you can see the, rather dull, website I manage here
>> http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs  This site was created to share data
>> with other climate researchers around the world,  which it actually does
>> quite well.  I also get requests for data from private individuals,
>> students, but probably not from journalists - it's less useful for this
>> but I have plans to improve it with interactive maps and the like.
>> Seeing this message did make me re-evaluate what my colleagues and I do,
>> and certainly our press releases are often "data driven",  for example -
>> http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2011/august-severe-weather
>> So I suppose it would be fair to say that in an organisation like ours
>> there are individuals who are competent in a variant of data driven
>> journalism,  albeit supported by very many technical experts in science,
>> computing and statistics and more importantly having direct access to data
>> - no searching, scraping, etc.
>> Hope this helps the discussion in some way.
>> Regards,    Michael Saunby
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Clément Renaud

web editor, Shanghai
+33 . 0643345655
+86 . 13917556012

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