[ddj] Interesting article about open sensor networks and what they mean for data journalism

Hanna McLean mclean at ejc.net
Fri Jun 22 14:28:20 UTC 2012

Hey guys,

I just came across an interesting
I thought you all might like to read. It has to do with open sensor
networks and what they mean for data journalism. The article centers on
Pachube, the company that is trying to answer the question that no
environmental group or government agency has answered yet and that is, "at
any given time, how clean is the air in your neighborhood?" It's a really
interesting article and well worth the read if you have some time. Enjoy!


Hanna McLean | Community Manager | European Journalism Centre
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Email : mclean at ejc.net

Visit: www.ejc.net | www.eu4journalists.eu | www.eufeeds.eu

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