[ddj] The Data Journalism Awards Nominee of the Day is...

Hanna McLean mclean at ejc.net
Thu May 10 10:13:09 UTC 2012

Hey guys,

For those of you who are interested, the Data Journalism Awards nominee of
the day has been featured on the DataDrivenJournalism.net website. You can
see the project
It is called “Pedestrian Crashes in Novosibirsk 2011” and is an interactive
map that shows all the road accidents involving pedestrians in Novosibirsk,
Russia, in 2011. Happy reading :-)


Hanna McLean | Community Manager | European Journalism Centre
Sonneville-lunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tel. : +31.433.254.030 | Fax : +
Email : mclean at ejc.net

Visit: www.ejc.net | www.eu4journalists.eu | www.eufeeds.eu

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