[ddj] Great Data Journalism Competition Coming Up

Nicolas Kayser-Bril n.kayserbril at gmail.com
Wed May 9 13:36:46 UTC 2012

Hi Hanna,

Thanks for the info.

Do you have any idea why the Guardian and Google shun applicants from
outside the US and the UK?

To me, the DDJ Handbook and the DDJ Awards, among other things, showed that
this was a worldwide trend with much innovation going on outside of London
and the Valley -- non-Anglo journalists should be able to compete,
especially on a worldwide-ranging issue.

Best wishes,

Nicolas Kayser-Bril
CEO and co-founder at Journalism++ <http://jplusplus.org> • @nicolaskb •
 Personal website nkb.fr <http://nkb.fr/?m> • Paris: +336 50 57 53 80 •
Berlin: +49 170 287 5332

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Hanna McLean <mclean at ejc.net> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> The Visualizing the World Economic Recovery competition is now accepting
> applications! The competition is open to US and UK citizens and gives you a
> chance to test your skills using existing data visualisation tools, or
> develop new ones in order to connect audiences with highly complex topics
> around global economy, growth and innovation. The grand prize winner will
> be awarded $2,000 and their project will be featured in the Guardian
> DataStore on their new Show and Tell<http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/mar/29/show-tell-data-visualisation>site. The deadline to apply is May 21st, so be fast. You don't want to miss
> out on this great opportunity.
> For those of you who are interested and would like more information or
> would like to apply, please click here<http://datadrivenjournalism.net/events/competition_visualizing_the_world_economic_recovery>
> .
> Cheers,
> Hanna
> ===
> Hanna McLean | Community Manager | European Journalism Centre
> Sonneville-lunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands
> Tel. : +31.433.254.030 | Fax : +
> Email : mclean at ejc.net
> Visit: www.ejc.net | www.eu4journalists.eu | www.eufeeds.eu
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