[ddj] Data Journalism Courses around the World

Hewett, Jonathan J.C.Hewett at city.ac.uk
Tue Oct 9 19:35:44 UTC 2012

Dear Daniel - the Interactive Journalism MA at City University London includes a dedicated Data Journalism module.

The programme is now in its second year.

Kind regards,
Jonathan Hewett
Director of Interactive and Newspaper Journalism
City University London  *  EC1V 0HB
+44(0)20 7040 8233  *  07875 749631  *  J.C.Hewett at city.ac.uk
Twitter: @jonhew (journalism etc); @teachlearn (education etc)

On 01/10/2012 22:55, "Daniele Palumbo" <danielepalumbo89 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Everyone!

I'm Daniel from Italy, and i'm blogger for www.datajcrew.it <http://www.datajcrew.it><http://www.datajcrew.it> .

The DataJournalism Crew is a Blog created to explain and to show the best example of Data Journalism, tools and open data around the World Wide Web.

I'm working on a post about Data Journalism Courses that journalist can find around the world.
Could you help me? Do you know some of this courses (inside and outside universities)? Where we can found them? Which specific area they have? Any kind of information will be useful.

Thank you very much for your help!

Visit us!
www.datajcrew.it <http://www.datajcrew.it><http://www.datajcrew.it>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/data.journalism.crew?fref=ts>
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Daniele Palumbo
Data Journalism Crew

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