[ddj] Journalism Rebooted in Buenos Aires and More

Salaheddine.Dridi at ipsi.rnu.tn Salaheddine.Dridi at ipsi.rnu.tn
Wed Sep 19 12:55:28 UTC 2012



unsuscribe me 

thanksLe 19.09.2012 14:47, Hanna McLean a
écrit : 

> Hello everyone, 
> I have found a couple interesting bits of
information that you may consider worth reading. 
> The first one is
about the three-day Hacks/Hackers BA Media Party, which was at Ciudad
Cultural Konex in Buenos Aires. Around 700 people attended, averaging
around 400 participants per day. The largest gathering of journalists,
editors, designers and software developers in Latin America brought
together people from the interactive teams of The New York Times, The
Guardian, and ProPublica, plus 20 international speakers from three
continents and various countries in the region, including Colombia,
Chile, Perú, Uruguay, Brasil and Guatemala, and digital editors from all
of the largest Argentine media organizations. For more information about
this event, please click here [1]. 
> Secondly, I found a piece that
addresses the question: What kinds of stories can you find in data? If
you would like to know the answer, please take a look at the original
article [2]. 
> That's it for now. Have a great day! 
> Cheers,
> === 
> Hanna McLean | Community Manager | European Journalism
> Sonneville-lunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands 
Tel. : +31.433.254.030 | Fax : + 
> Email : mclean at ejc.net
> Visit: www.ejc.net [4] | www.eu4journalists.eu [5] |
www.eufeeds.eu [6] 
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mailto:mclean at ejc.net
[4] http://www.ejc.net
[6] http://www.eufeeds.eu
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