[ddj] Survey on Data Journalism: Tools and Practices

Alexander Voss alex.voss at st-andrews.ac.uk
Mon Jul 29 19:30:53 UTC 2013

Dear all,

I would like to thank those of you who have taken the time to participate in this study. Your help is much appreciated. If you have not responded to this survey yet please consider doing so.

Best wishes,


On 24 Jul 2013, at 13:51, Alex Voss wrote:

> Dear all,
> an MSc student of mine is conducting a study on tools and methods in data journalism. I was wondering if you might be able to help him by filling in this questionnaire:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1olx9Cq3sCRO6xpjrgnhccGXH8Che-izgf_3mBSlFtLc/viewform?pli=1
> If you are interested to do more, you have a chance to volunteer for a phone interview at the end of the survey or by just emailing Ilya at il23 at st-andrews.ac.uk.
> Best wishes,
> Alex
> ---
> Alexander Voss
> Lecturer in Computer Science
> School of Computer Science
> University of St Andrews
> http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~avoss
> The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532

Alexander Voss
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Computer Science
University of St Andrews
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532

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