[ddj] Helping Greenpeace UK to put things on maps?

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Tue Jun 11 15:14:22 UTC 2013

Attention data wranglers!

Damian Kahya who works at Greenpeace UK (in carbon copy) is working to put
a geocoded database on a map with a search function [1].

He has something running, but not with a search function and is looking to
fix this tonight in time for a release tomorrow morning UK time. I imagine
this should be fairly easy for anyone who has done map based web
applications before...

Pretty short notice, but is anyone up for helping him tonight? If so please
feel do ping him off list.

All the best,


[1] https://twitter.com/damiankahya/status/344442070125142017


Jonathan Gray

Director of Policy and Ideas  | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*

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