[ddj] Join us in creating a data journalism handbook for Latin America

Saul Lozano saul.lozano at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 20:53:27 UTC 2013

Hola Miguel,

me encanta esta iniciativa y porque comparto la idea de "dejar de envidiar
a USA y Europa y ponerse manos a la obra" con el manual de periodismo de
datos iberoamericano. :-)

Desde Alemania con mucho en lo que pueda aportar. Infortunadamente el link
para inscribirse no está funcionando todavía.

Cordial saludo

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Miguel Paz <ohmyblog at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone (sorry if this is a cross post)
> This is an open invitation to anyone with the skills to participate in
> this collaborative project.
> The Iberoamerican Data Journalism Handbook (Manual de Periodismo de
> Datos Iberoamericano) will be written in our own languages (spanish,
> portuguese) by volunteer journalists, developers and designers from
> Mexico to Patagonia and Spain, with the mission of showing the state
> of data journalism in Iberoamerica, explaining how to do data
> journalism in our countries, improving our networks of communication,
> helping our community accelerate its learning and providing it with
> the tools to do better journalism.
> It will include:
> The best parts of the original Data Journalism Handbook and other
> manuals licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. Unported.
> Guides and tutorials on subjects such as databases, deep Web research,
> data mining and scraping, data visualization and mapping, open data,
> access to public information and cyber security, among other topics.
> The best tools, examples and open source code projects.
> Country reports on:
> Data Journalism (who does data journalism in each country, which are
> the notable cases, etc)
> Existence and quality of press laws, information and transparency (is
> there any, do they work, what does not work, how to address these
> issues by country).
> Open data and open data government policies.
> You are more than wellcome to participate!
> English post:
> http://ijnet.org/blog/join-us-creating-data-journalism-guide-latin-america
> Post en español:
> http://ijnet.org/es/blog/sumate-la-escritura-colaborativa-del-manual-de-periodismo-de-datos-iberoamericano
> Post na portugués:
> http://ijnet.org/pt-br/blog/junte-se-nos-na-criacao-de-um-guia-de-jornalismo-de-dados-para-america-latina
> Cheers!
> Miguel Paz
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