[ddj] R: KLM files with political boundaries for developing countries

Paul-Antoine Chevalier pachevalier at gmail.com
Tue May 21 20:19:15 UTC 2013

It maybe better to ask those questions on http://ask.schoolofdata.org/


On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:26 PM, 89alice at libero.it <89alice at libero.it>wrote:

> Hi Eva,
> I once covered the Guatemala genocide for a project and had the kml files
> for
> the administrative regions... the map I made from it is this one: http:
> //guatemalapastforpresent.weebly.com/victims-by-ethnicity-a-genocide.html
> If that's what you are looking for, I can share the fusion table and you
> can
> copy the kml files (I don't have them separately and don't remember where
> I got
> them from...)
> Hope it helps & would love it i you share your findings in the end: it is a
> topic I'm really interested in!
> Alice Corona
> ----Messaggio originale----
> Da: econstantaras at INTERNEWS.ORG
> Data: 21/05/2013 16.57
> A: "data-driven-journalism at lists.okfn.org
> "<data-driven-journalism at lists.okfn.
> org>
> Ogg: [ddj] KLM files with political boundaries for developing countries
> Hi,
> I am covering the Guatemala genocide trial and can't find a decent
> political
> map to use with Google Fusion Tables.  This is the only one I have come
> across
> and the department boundaries are off.  This seems to be a problem with a
> lot
> of developing countries; there just aren't a lot of decent shape files out
> there.  Anybody know where I should be looking?
> Thanks,Eva
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