[ddj] Textmining with AntConc / corpus linguistik

Marvin Oppong, Journalist info at oppong.eu
Wed Feb 26 01:19:58 UTC 2014

Hello together,


I analyzed the new book of German author Thilo Sarrazin with the text mining
program AntConc3.2.4w. The results are interesting. Among other things
Sarrazin uses five times the word "Nigger" in German. You can read my
article about it in the torial Blog here:
/. Unfortunately the text is in German.

I am interested in knowing if anyone of you has made any experience with the
program AntConc and knows more about it. I find the program fascinating as
it is really simple (it took me five minutes to understand the basic
functions), but very effective and even for free. I only know the basics,
but I can help you if you need to use it.


Best regards,







Marvin Oppong

Freier Journalist

Freelance Journalist


Postfach 7389

D-53073 Bonn

Tel.: +49 228 28638508

 <mailto:info at oppong.eu> info at oppong.eu

 <http://oppong.eu/> oppong.eu

twitter: MarvinOppong


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