[ddj] Which data driven story should be awarded at #DJA14?

Nika Aleksejeva nika at infogr.am
Tue Jun 3 11:34:44 UTC 2014


I'v been following this list for a year and couldn't think of the better
community to ask for opinion.

Infogr.am is going to award the best data driven story at Data Journalism
Awards, organised by Global Editors Network on June 12 in Barcelona. We
have shortlisted five projects and decided to put the best one on the vote.
Can you share your opinion here?: https://infogram.typeform.com/to/fpVeNl

The final decision will be made on Friday, so I'd be super happy if you'd
share this call with your social network.

Here is the link for the Facebook post:

And here for the Twitter:

Hope to see some of you at GEN Summit.:)

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