[ddj] StoryBuilder, a new tool for creating NYT-like scrolling stories

Andrew Duffy andrewjamesduffy at gmail.com
Mon May 19 07:12:08 UTC 2014

Scott, great work, looks fantastic. Great to see the Canberra Times getting
its hands dirty with this stuff!

On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Scott Hannaford <
scott.hannaford at fairfaxmedia.com.au> wrote:

> I've just used this tool to present an investigation I've written on a
> missing hiker for our paper. You can see the results here:
> http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/prabhdeepsrawn
> While the tool obviously still has some limitations, I'd like to extend a
> huge thanks to the Jumpstart crew for making this available, and encourage
> anyone considering it to check out StoryBuilder - great work like theirs
> that helps us all should be encouraged and supported.
> Scott
> *Scott Hannaford *canberratimes.com.au | Sunday editor
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> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:48 PM, ericnbarrett at gmail.com <
> ericnbarrett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I know this doesn't technically fall into the real of data journalism,
>> but once you are ready to tell the story, it might come in handy.
>> We at JumpStart Georgia wanted to do similar mixed-media scrolling
>> stories like the NYTimes<http://www.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2013/10/27/south-china-sea/>does. We are trying hard to inspire creativity and diversity in the ways
>> Georgians tell stories, especially local activists, journalists, and NGOs.
>> We initially built this for us and our stories, but decided it would be way
>> cool for others to be able to create these types of mixed-media stories
>> too. Not everyone can use D3 <http://d3js.org/> and code a story like
>> this.
>> The tool, http://storybuilder.jumpstart.ge/en/,  is mainly only
>> functional (see the Demo<http://storybuilder.jumpstart.ge/en/storyteller/2>),
>> but needs, of course, a lot more user interface design. However, it already
>> works and people can start using it. Some cool features:
>>    - you build the story in sections and can rearrange them once you
>>    have created them
>>    - you can choose whether each section will be text or some type of
>>    media
>>    - you can audio to each section
>>    - currently, the media we have is screen-size photo and video, but we
>>    will add a slideshow soon and then others (maybe interactive choropleth
>>    map, simple charts, ...)
>>    - the media can have captions and sub-captions
>>    - you can host your scrolling story on the site itself;
>>    - you can export, as a zipped file, all the files once you build it,
>>    and host them on any server you want;
>>    - you can download the entire app for use in your organization (the
>>    github link is in the top-right corner - it is a Ruby-on-Rails app)
>>    - we have started adding templates to it;
>> Obviously, we still have a lot to do (well, sky's the limit) , but slowly
>> we will build this up and add new features. Let us know what you think and
>> if you have any ideas that might make it useful for you, we'd love to hear
>> them.
>> http://storybuilder.jumpstart.ge/en/
>> Eric
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