[ddj] questions about data Journalism - maryam salimi from Iran

RABREAU Marine mrabreau at lefigaro.fr
Thu Sep 17 15:16:51 UTC 2015

Dear Myriam,

Thank you for your message.
I have not much time until end of next week, is it ok if I get back to you in about 10 days or are you really in a rush ?

Best regards,


Marine Rabreau
Chef d'édition - Service Economie 
14 boulevard Haussmann - 75438 Paris Cedex 09

 +33 (0)1 57 08 73 92
 +33 (0)6 71 14 76 53 
mrabreau at lefigaro.fr 
Twitter : @Marine_rabreau

-----Message d'origine-----
De : data-driven-journalism [mailto:data-driven-journalism-bounces at lists.okfn.org] De la part de Maryam Salimi
Envoyé : jeudi 17 septembre 2015 09:59
À : data-driven-journalism at lists.okfn.org
Objet : [ddj] questions about data Journalism - maryam salimi from Iran

hello dear  
I am maryam salimi from Iran
I am currently studying for my PhD and I am trying to analyze the role of data journalism in visual journalism. I am sending you some questions and I hope you would answer them. I will try to publish my dissertation as a book and again I will gladly publish your view.
Data journalism will owe much of its progress in Iran to you.
I would appreciate it if you could introduce some people in this field.
i really need your help.
Maryam Salimi

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