[ddj] We want ALL data on all European Subsidies!

Anna Alberts anna.alberts at okfn.de
Fri Aug 26 12:27:03 UTC 2016

Hi Everyone,

*We need your HELP! We want ALL data on all European Subsidies!*

How much the EU spends its money and how EU-subsidies are divided on
regional level is wonderfully complex
and difficult
to trace. <http://openbudgets.eu/post/2016/06/14/tracing-eu-funds/> The
data is partially available on different websites of regions and members

We, Open Knowledge Germany and Open Knowledge International, have set out
to bring this all together in one platform, and make sure it is easy to
query, visualise and analyse. We will start with the European Structural
and Cohesion Funds (ESIF). We have made a first forey bringing all the ESIF
datasets/websites in this spreadsheet
this repository. <https://github.com/os-data/eu-structural-funds>

Now we need your help!

Would you like to work on European Funds and Subsidies for your country, or
are you already working on it? Do drop us a line!

Do you have domain knowledge about Financial Transparency in Europe and
would you like to help us write tutorials and resources?

Do you just want to play around with the data and find stories in the

Let us know!


Anna, Bela, Loic, Diana, Victoria

Anna Alberts, Project Manager OpenBudgets.eu
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
www.okfn.de | info at okfn.de | @okfde
anna.alberts at okfn.de <info at okfn.de> | @Anna_Alberts
Office: +49 30 57703666 0
Mobile: +49 176 21370998 <%2B49%20176%2032768530>
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