[ddj] Announcing DataBasic.io

Iulii SELIANKO iselianko at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 14:53:07 UTC 2016

Dear Rahul & Dear Catherine,

Thank you for sharing the databasics.io resource. I will definitely try it
out in one of my study cases.

I have found your paper
data literary very informative. While reading it i got one question. Does
there exist a recent research on text analysis for political science? I
would be very grateful for any hint to the direction or link where i could
find the answer.

Thank you.

Best regards,

iulii selianko

   - LinkedIn: https://be.linkedin.com/in/iselianko

On 12 January 2016 at 14:31, Catherine D'Ignazio <
Catherine_Dignazio at emerson.edu> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> We're pleased to announce the launch of DataBasic.io - a suite of simple
> web-based tools and hands-on activities that help you get started learning
> to work with data.  The tools are geared towards journalists, non-profits,
> activist groups and students. Rather than just building data tools to make
> a pretty charts, we've designed these with learners in mind and we made
> them fun!
> https://databasic.io
> * WTFcsv gives you a quick overview of a CSV to help you learn how to
> start asking questions with data
> * WordCounter shows you the most common words and phrases in a text
> document to help you think about text as data
> * SameDiff compares two documents to help you learn how to tell stories
> about differences
> Each tool has a short video introducing it, and a downloadable activity
> guide so you can facilitate the hands-on activities we have designed for
> each tool.  They're available in Spanish and English, and accessible to
> those that use screen-reading software to use the web.
> Please try them out, spread the word, and let us know how it goes.
> Thanks,
> Rahul Bhargava and Catherine D'Ignazio
> ---
> Assistant Professor of Civic Media and Data Visualization, Emerson College
> Fellow, Emerson Engagement Lab
> Research Affiliate, MIT Center for Civic Media
> Founding Member, Boston Civic Media Consortium
> www.kanarinka.com | @kanarinka | 617-501-2441
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