[data.edu.au] First DATA.EDU.AU Hangout

David F. Flanders dff.okfn at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 01:57:56 UTC 2013

Dear Founders of data.edu.au,

For our first meeting I am suggesting the below time, could you please get
back to me ASAP if this time doesn't work?

First DATA.EDU.AU Hangout
Problems? SMS Flanders: 0407 821 686
Tue, August 20, 14:30 – 15:30 GMT+10:00
GoogleHangout with WebCams re F2F (Link for hangout will appear in this
calendar item nearer the meeting)
David F. Flanders
data-edu-au at lists.okfn.org

Kind Regards,

David F. Flanders
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