[datahub-discuss] A lot of spam on the datahub.io

Ivan Ermilov iermilov at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Oct 8 11:51:45 UTC 2013

Hi everybody,

I will introduce myself first. I am a PhD student at AKSW research group 
(university of Leipzig) and I work on LODStats (http://stats.lod2.eu) 
and CSV2RDF (http://wiki.publicdata.eu or http://csv2rdf.aksw.org) for 
PublicData.eu (which is CKAN) projects.

The LODStats project uses datahub.io as a main source for the RDF data. 
And I just realized today, that there are a lot of spam packages 
published. It does not really matter for my app (because I access CKAN 
programmatically), but if there are a lot of spam messages, normal 
users, who publish and search packages through the web interface will 
have problems finding them. Some even can stop use datahub.io because of 
this problems.

Therefore, my questions are:
1. Is there access control mechanism (plugin) for CKAN?
2. Can we ban those spammers by IP address?
3. Other means to fight spam attacks?
4. Who is responsible for maintaining datahub.io (admin tasks, like 
fighting bots and other work considered boring in academic field -)) and 
if there is no enough (wo)menforce, how can I get involved?

Kind regards,
Ivan Ermilov.
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