[datahub-discuss] Cannot login or edit datahub

Victor de Boer @ VU v.de.boer at vu.nl
Fri Oct 25 08:50:49 UTC 2013

Dear Datahubbers,

I saw that the URL for the SPARQL endpoint for my dataset "Amsterdam
Museum as Linked Data" is wrong (it is missing a slash), but I cannot
seem to login to the datahub to fix this. Apparently my username is
"Victor de Boer", for which I do not have a password and resetting the
password does not work: I keep getting this error:

{'name': [u'Url must be purely lowercase alphanumeric (ascii)
characters and these symbols: -_']}

Also, I have another login (biktorrr), under which a different dataset
is registered (Verijkt Koninkrijk) that I would also like to update,
but here I cannot find any edit button.

Hope you are able to help,

best regards,

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