[datahub-discuss] The DataHub, Organizations and Linked Data cloud

Ross Jones ross at servercode.co.uk
Wed Oct 23 21:19:55 UTC 2013


I can add you as an admin of lodcloud, it should have happened automatically during the migration, but I obviously screwed up somewhere.  Apologies for the inconvenience, it was a pretty hairy migration.

I won’t have time this evening, but I’ll find all of the ones tagged as you suggest and move them into that org. Unfortunately a constraint of the new organisation structure is that datasets can only belong to one organisation.  I realise this is pretty harsh, but once we can correctly secure the creation of groups it may be easier to curate them in this way.

If the LOD Cloud Validator is just using the package name to look up the package, it shouldn’t make any difference that it belonge to an organisation. The API response has changed minimally (it has a new field).

Could you email me (offlist) your current datahub.io username? I  haven’t touched any of the OpenID stuff so if it was working before it should still be working now - I’ll have to investigate.



On 23 Oct 2013, at 22:03, Antoine Isaac <antoine.isaac at laposte.net> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This is a bottle in the sea... I'm not sure what has happen with thedatahub recently. I apologize if you're already aware of this...
> So. There has been a change about Groups, now migrated to organizations
> http://blog.datahub.io/2013/10/08/organizations-upgrade/
> For example
> http://datahub.io/group/lodcloud
> is also now
> http://datahub.io/organization/lodcloud
> But what has happened to group membership in the process?
> I am one of the owners of a group that seems to have shrunk a lot in the process:
> http://datahub.io/group/lld
> (before it was rather like http://datahub.io/dataset?tags=lld)
> I believe the LOD Cloud group/organization (252 sets now) is also smaller than what it used to be.
> In fact I also own a dataset that used to be in the LOD Cloud and the Library Linked Data group:
> http://datahub.io/dataset/europeana-lod
> Now it seems to belong only to one organization, the Bibliography Data one.
> I don't know if this could explain why the LOD Cloud validator likes my dataset much less than what it used to:
> http://validator.lod-cloud.net/validate.php?package=europeana-lod
> I'd have investigated further, but the log in has also changed. I was using an MyOpenID one, and this seems to have changed also :-(
> Cheers,
> Antoine
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