[datahub-discuss] Introduction

Jarkko Moilanen [Ossoil] jarkko.moilanen at ossoil.com
Thu Sep 12 18:01:29 UTC 2013


I'm Jarkko from Tampere, Finland. Involved in building CKAN and other
services for our Finnish Open Data Community under
http://data.avoindata.net domain. During the spring I established Open
Data 'stack overflow' (in Finnish) for Finnish Open Data community at
http://avoindata.net. I'm also community manager in Open Data Tampere
region project. 

In academic world I'm doing my PhD about "Peer Production economy -
revolution in design, development and manufacturing". I have also
established (and maintain) Statistical Studies of Peer Production

I'm also active hackerspace evangelist and co-founder of Tampere
hackerspace. More about me fi.linkedin.com/in/jarkkomoilanen/

In brief: geek, maker, open data/hw evangelist, researcher by nature. 

Jarkko Moilanen
Open Source evangelist
http://ossoil.com | Business with Open Source Communities
Phone: +358 45 8877 150

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