[datahub-discuss] Datahubio outdated datasets

Richard Cyganiak richard at cyganiak.de
Mon Aug 18 15:59:04 UTC 2014


I can help with deleting those datasets.

Could you send a list of the dataset URLs to the mailing list, along with a statement of justification for each (e.g., “project page states that the project is discontinued”)?


On 18 Aug 2014, at 15:58, Ivan Ermilov <earthquakesan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on LODStats portal and checking the dataset availability and metadata consistency. Some datasets are not available due to server errors (basically hosting for dumps is down), they may appear online again. But some of them are really dead, for instance this one:
> http://datahub.io/dataset/riese (if you try to navigate to the resource, you will see that the project is discontinued). 
> My question is if it's possible to delete this dataset and some other in the future (I will make a list of fixes and can report it to the mailing list). If deletion is not an option, than there should be the way to fix it (maybe someone will volunteer to contact maintainers and then host RDF).
> Kind regards,
> Ivan Ermilov.
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