[datahub-discuss] Merging {br, cz, ie, it, no}.ckan.net into datahub.io and shutting them down

Ross Jones ross at servercode.co.uk
Thu Nov 27 21:05:01 UTC 2014

Hi Rufus,

I've migrated {cz,ie,it,no}.ckan.net <http://ckan.net/> to datahub.io. I’ve labelled the organizations cz-ckan-net, it-ckan-net, ie-ckan-net and no-ckan-net. 

If anybody was feeling generous with their time for 20 minutes or so I guess they could all do with renaming, a description and with pretty pictures.  I manually deleted a handful of junk datasets and cz-ckan-net is just finishing off, but I need to step away from the computer for a while. It’s been the most problematic but I think it should be fine.

Before turning off *.ckan.net <http://ckan.net/>, would it be possible to get maintainers for the new datahub.io organisations, and also a backup of the database just to make sure if something is missing (it doesn’t appear there is so far) that they can be recovered.

I did it with a slightly customised version of https://gist.github.com/rossjones/fed1cb99b55c2b19a13e <https://gist.github.com/rossjones/fed1cb99b55c2b19a13e> (I should have read Augusto’s emails properly, I didn’t realise he had already done this).

Is there anything else that needs migrating from a ckan somewhere to datahub.io? Perhaps we should set up the harvester for some larger sites, just to act as an archive for those datasets that occasionally go missing?


p.s. As an aside, my script found 45 datasets on br.ckan.net <http://br.ckan.net/>, and I managed to import http://datahub.io/dataset/cambio <http://datahub.io/dataset/cambio> - would you like me to run my script on br.ckan.net <http://br.ckan.net/> and see if we can find anything that doesn’t appear to have been indexed by solr on br.ckan.net?

> On 27 Nov 2014, at 20:10, Ross Jones <ross at servercode.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Rufus, 
>> On 14 Nov 2014, at 19:55, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org <mailto:rufus.pollock at okfn.org>> wrote:
>> I also note we still need to migrate:
>> {cz,ie,it,no}.ckan.net <http://ckan.net/>
> Are these all OKF chapters?  I’ve got a similar script for migrating, I could create the orgs from them and we could just rename them afterwards if you like.
> Ross.
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