[datahub-discuss] Help needed! Sorting out new DataHub.io users with organizations

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Mar 11 06:51:44 UTC 2015

First, off I want to say a *huge thank-you* to Richard for all his help
here. He's now helped countless folks over the last year to get set up on
DataHub and start sharing data. More than that, he's been a tireless
contributor in the form of ideas and encouragement to DataHub almost since
its inception (when named ckan.net!).

We hope your new job is fantastic Richard and that you'll stay as a lurker
on the list! (We can also induct you into the volunteer hall of fame when
we have a proper one!)

@All: as Richard says this is something that only takes a *few minutes a
week* and enables you to *help numerous others* who are getting set up on
the DataHub (and *people really appreciate the support*). In addition,
you'll get training and support from others include Ross and myself.

All the best,


On 10 March 2015 at 08:02, Richard Cyganiak <richard at cyganiak.de> wrote:

> Hello datahub-discuss,
> The DataHub is churning along nicely, and continues to fill a niche as an
> open public repository where those without sufficient institutional backing
> can publish data for free. Last year’s spam problems are solved by the
> introduction of organizations, and new organizations sign up at a good rate.
> To protect the site from spam, we had to introduce a manual step. New
> users submit a helpdesk ticket requesting an organization to be created.
> Ross and me get an email notification, and create the organization on
> datahub.io. This usually takes a minute or two, and there’s maybe 5–10
> requests per week.
> My priorities have changed due to a new job, and I’d like to adjust my
> commitments (and inbox contents) accordingly and thus will retire from my
> role as DataHub support volunteer.
> Is anyone else around here willing to step up and help out for a while, to
> give back to this great resource that Rufus, Ross, et al. are running for
> the community? As said, just takes a few minutes per week and sometimes
> gives interesting insights into the organizations and demographics that
> engage with Open Data.
> If you can help out, please get in touch and we’ll show you around.
> Cheers,
> Richard


*Rufus PollockFounder and President | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
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