Fwd: Launch of The DataTank 4.0: a data publishing tool

Dan Matei Dan la cimec.ro
Joi Dec 5 10:01:02 UTC 2013

Ia uitați ce sculă ! Păi ne ajută, nu ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Pieter Colpaert <pieter.colpaert la okfn.org>
To: public-lod la w3.org
Cc: info la thedatatank.com
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 10:34:49 +0100
Subject: Launch of The DataTank 4.0: a data publishing tool

Hi all,

At Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium we have been working for a couple 
of years on a tool which assists organisations to publish data. It 
provides an HTTP API which supports most of the REST principles on top 
of all kinds of datasets. You can then get the data in RDF, if there is 
an RDF representation available, in JSON/XML/CSV or even on a basic 
visualisation. The data is not stored in The DataTank, it is only adapted.

It's Open Source and the new version has just been launched. We would 
love to welcome new contributors, testers (feel free to open issues on 
github), people who integrate it with existing data portals (e.g., CKAN 
and Drupal integration is work in progress), and so on.

Github: http://github.com/tdt/core
Demo: http://demo.thedatatank.com
Docs: http://docs.thedatatank.com

The feature that may be most interesting for this community is the 
SPARQL source. With one curl command, or with a couple of clicks, you 
can proxy a SPARQL query on a SPARQL endpoint in no time. This might be 
interesting if you don't want to host a public SPARQL endpoint, but you 
do want to publish some entities in your triplestore.

Example resource which fetches data from dbpedia: 

Kind regards,

Pieter Colpaert


+32 486 74 71 22

Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium

Open Transport Working Group OKFN

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