Fwd: Assessment of the quality of the land registration and cadastral data managed by the eTerra solution: Advertising a STC Position
Codru Vrabie
codru.vrabie la gmail.com
Mar Noi 26 21:24:41 UTC 2013
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From: <bgabor la worldbank.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 11:43 AM
Subject: Assessment of the quality of the land registration and cadastral
data managed by the eTerra solution: Advertising a STC Position
Dear All,
This is to kindly let you know about a short term consultant position. You
can find the details about the assignment in the attached terms of
reference. The deadline for receiving applications is December 6, 2013. The
applications in English should be sent at the following addresses:
droberge la worldbank.org
nbadea la worldbank.org
Many thanks, and please feel free to distribute to potential candidates as
you see fit.
*(See attached file: ANCPI Data Quality Assessment ToR Nov 2013.pdf)*
Best regards,
* Beatrice Gabriela Gabor *
Communication Consultant
World Bank Office, Romania, UTI Building, 6th floor
31, Vasile Lascar st., Bucharest, sector 2, 020492
Tel: +4 021 201 0383
*www.worldbank.org.ro * <http://www.worldbank.org.ro/>
*www.worldbank.org * <http://www.worldbank.org/>
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