Fwd: IRM data now live
Codru Vrabie
codru.vrabie la gmail.com
Joi Mai 1 06:30:10 UTC 2014
poate reuseste cineva sa faca o vizualizare frumoasa a datelor?!? odihna
placuta! :) --Codru
codruvrabie.blogspot.com/ GSM: +4-072-355-2180
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind
with an open one. --Malcolm S. Forbes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joseph Foti
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 5:04 PM
Subject: IRM data now live
To: "ogp-irm-cohort-two-national-researchers"
Dear OGP IRM Researchers (current and former),
Please find the beta version of the IRM data, a data guide and explanation
from the first 43 IRM reports here:
I want to sincerely thank you all for all of your great work. Now you are
free to see how your country did compared to everyone else.
Best regards,
Joseph Foti
|----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
Text of blog post below:
*OGP's Independent Reporting Mechanism releases a beta version of data from
first 43 IRM assessments*
OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism [http://bit.ly/1fHhqcY] is proud to
release a beta version of the data from the first 43 IRM assessments.
The release comes on the eve of the OGP Steering Committee Meeting (in
Bali, Indonesia), the OGP Asia Regional Meeting (in Bali as well) and the
OGP Europe Regional Meeting (in Dublin, Ireland). It is hoped that everyone
interested in OGP will use the data to take a fresh look at countries of
interest, see where the trends lie, and see if there are lessons to be
The data is available through two databases. The first is the compiled
database [http://bit.ly/1fPVObW] of all 958 commitments or actions analyzed
as part of the IRM process. The second database [http://bit.ly/1tW6MG6]
consists of information on how well each of the OGP participating
governments participated in the OGP process as well as the existing
institutional arrangements for OGP at the time of publication.
A detailed Data Guide with explanations of variables, provenance, and
potential uses can be found here [http://bit.ly/1hdLrPA].
The data is taken directly from the Public Comment Version for reports
without editing. Readers and users are asked to refer to these documents
for context and further explanations of variables. Comments are welcome on
the data or the accompanying Data Guide at irm la opengovpartnership.org
Joseph Foti
Program Manager
Independent Reporting Mechanism
Open Government Partnership
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