Fwd: Open Data Day Mini Grants: back for 2016!

Silviu Vert silviu.vert la gmail.com
Sâm Ian 30 13:19:38 UTC 2016

Granturi de 250-350 de dolari pentru evenimente organizate cu ocazia Open
Data Day <http://opendataday.org/>. Deadline 14 feb 2016. Detalii mai jos.


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From: IFTTT Action <action la ifttt.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Open Data Day Mini Grants: back for 2016!
To: silviu.vert la gmail.com

This year, on Saturday, the 5th of March, the fourth annual Open Data Day
will take place. For us in Open Knowledge, Open Data Day is one of our
favourite initiatives. This is a grassroot event that has no particular
organisation behind it, and it is able to bring together people from all
over the world […]

via Open Knowledge Blog http://ift.tt/1P1J8Qx
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