[drn-discuss] Copy fighters at speaker's corner

Nathan Lewis nathan_lewis at mac.com
Sat Aug 20 17:13:46 CDT 2005

Hi Gavin,

I had a question about the email from Cory you forwarded. Would this 
gathering be open to newcomers or is it more private?  I'd like to 
attend but I am reluctant to crash this event without being invited.

I am planning to join the group for the speech making part at Speaker's 
Corner tomorrow around 1:00pm.  I'd be grateful if you could write back 
at your convenience and tell me whether it would be okay if I attended 
the brunch gathering.   If I do not hear from you then I'll just attend 
at Speakers' Corner tomorrow.

Thanks for passing the date of the Speakers' Corner Copy fighters event 
to me.  I greatly appreciate it.

Kind regards,


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