[drn-discuss] Musings on an open knowledge movement - list of groups

Cory Doctorow cory at eff.org
Thu Jun 2 13:42:28 PDT 2005

How cool, Rufus!

Ren, Gwen, Danny: FYI.
On Jun 2, 2005, at 7:29 PM, Rufus Pollock wrote:

> Cory Doctorow wrote:
>> EFF has a project underway to create a list of activist groups  
>> around  the world, with URLs. It's a small first step, but one  
>> that,  incredibly, no one has done yet. If anyone here is  
>> interested in  collaborating with EFF on this, I'll be happy to  
>> connect you with the  people on this project.
> This sounds great (I have a vague recollection of a previous  
> mention by you). Back in February Jo Walsh put together an  
> interesting list of UK groups along with a graph showing  
> interconnections:
>     http://frot.org/bin/radicalgeek.cgi/graph
> You can add groups at:
>     http://frot.org/bin/radicalgeek.cgi
> Regards,
> Rufus

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